Thursday, January 30, 2020

Childhood Obesity in School Essay Example for Free

Childhood Obesity in School Essay Childhood obesity is a problem in the United States. It affects a child’s life tremendously. Childhood obesity in school is an important subject for one to learn about. People who have children or plan on having children need to know the risks that are involved in this disorder. Childhood obesity is a serious problem for children but it can be worse in schools. School life is hard enough for a child to adjust; it is even harder for a child to deal with school and obesity at the same time. There are many aspects to how childhood obesity affects children in schools: it affects their learning abilities, it affects their social skills and their psychological well-being, and it also affects their health. Childhood obesity is when a child has an excessive amount of body fat in relationship to lean body mass. Childhood obesity is sometimes a genetic disorder and sometimes an environmental situation issue. By genetics it means it can be given to the child by anyone in their family lineage. By environmental situation issues it means it is based on the foods a child eats, whether they exercise regularly, or by the habits they learn. Mass media also is a consideration in child obesity as advertisements can affect how a child wants to eat. Fast food companies attract many children just in their advertisements alone. The internet also affects children and they get to use the internet at school. They see advertisements online or play games online that make them not want to be active in everyday life. There are so many aspects to a child’s life that can lead to obesity and most of it starts at home but then overflows into the academic life of a child. Children who are obese tend to have more health issues and the health concerns can affect their everyday school life. The regularity of childhood obesity is a public health concern. Childhood obesity is connected to a variety of detrimental health conditions including diabetes, metabolic  syndrome, and heart disease (Freedman, Diets, Srinivasan, and Berenson, 1999). The more health issues a child has the more it affects school life. Children with health concerns from obesity end up missing a number of days for being sick and that puts them behind in their school work. The time away from school leads to missed assignments and also less socialization time with peers. Children who are obese tend to be sleepy and not be able to pay attention during classroom lectures. Overweight children also can have serious health issues now and as well in adult years; such as high cholesterol and blood pressure, bone and joint issues, and even sleep disorders which can affect every day routine (John, H., 2011). The problem of obesity is not contained than it will â€Å"surpass tobacco as the leading cause of death† (Bhattacharya 2004, p.1). Childhood obesity affects children with their learning abilities in the classroom. Occasionally how a child is affected educationally by childhood obesity is not as obvious as the health concerns that arise from the obesity. Children who are obese tend to have low self-esteem and do not participate as well in class discussions. As new clinical practice guidelines are being developed to address childhood obesity, the reduction of depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem associated with being overweight should also be considered in developing the guidelines (Cornette, 2008). It has not really been studied accurately or in excess but one would wonder if obesity would affect the brain because of lack of blood flow or just lack of healthiness. If the brain is hindered in any way then learning is definitely impacted. Obese children have a hard time with the affects obesity has on their social skills and their psychological well-being. Being bullied is something that is a common occurrence with obese children. Obese children have a hard time socializing due to being picked on. They also get labeled with titles that sometimes do not fit them just because of their appearance: lazy, slouch, unattractive, and mean. Sometimes they actually get labeled as the bully because of their size when actually they are not. Obesity in children is also associated with an elevated risk of various psychosocial problems. Children who suffer from obesity are more likely to have behavioral problems  and emotional disturbances (Stradmeijer, Bosch, Koops, and Seidell, 2000). Obesity limits students’ ability to excel in social and psychological problems, such as being bullied and low self-esteem. Obese children that are bullied can be very emotional or very quiet and hold everything in and that can lead to other problems as well. Results from a small-scale study of 106 obese children, between the ages of 5 and 18, revealed that obese students were often subject to teasing and ostracism, and that they reported having trouble keeping up with their peers, both physically and academically the emotional and social stress from being obese can be very hard on a child (Browman, Darcia Harris, 2003). Both as a parent or a student, all should understand the emotional and physical impacts that can cause great danger to an overweight child. Children with an inactive lifestyle, large at birth, with high-risk family health behaviors, and from a family with low income or low education attainment, were more likely to be obese. Findings suggest that interventions targeting family and supporting people to implement lifestyle changes are promising to prevent childhood obesity (Brophy, Cooksey, Gravenor, Mistry, Thomas, Lyons Williams, 2009). In addition, efforts appear to be focused on reducing weight, a small amount attention is directed to the psycho-socio-emotional effect that being overweight have on children. Studies are important because they show that childhood obesity is not only associated with health risk but also with problems in social interactions and relationships (Janssen, Craig, Boyce Pickett, 2003). Children that are obese also have a hard time doing some of the activities in school. When interviewing two teachers at Tennessee Ridge Elementary School and asking them about the effects of childhood obesity in their classrooms both had somewhat of the same answer. â€Å"Obese children have a harder time playing most of the physical activities I have planned that involve them getting up and down a lot† (Moore, 2012). As well as Mrs. Tomlinson (2012) stated that â€Å"children who are overweight seem to have a hard time getting up and down during our rug times and seem to have difficulty sitting in the crisscross position for more than a few minutes†. These students end up feeling like they are left out or feeling different than other children. They are also less likely to be able to keep up with  the other children on the playground. This is where one runs into the situation of being picked last on the playground or just simply being left out. This leads to a lot of the other complications obese children face in schools. There are many ways that the school system tries to help children stay fit and not have to battle obesity. One of the ways the schools try to help is by serving healthy lunches and snacks. They have also taken vending machines out of schools as much as possible. Also the schools try to ensure every child gets plenty of physical activity time and recess time. Teachers add activities that involve moving and being active in their curriculums; such as allowing children to sit on exercise balls while doing desk work and doing learning drills with physical activities. Exercising actually makes children less stressed and makes them focused on learning. â€Å"Young children who exercise at school perform better in concentration tests, researchers have said after a study on pupils in Aberdeen† (Williams, 2010). Being active and watching what a child eats can significantly help children it also teaches them good habits that will benefit them later on in life as well. Another way children learn is by example and teachers can set an example for children as well as their parents can. For example, teachers are not allowed to carry soda cans around they have to put it in different containers if they are drinking soda at school. Even with the schools being involved it is important for parents to do the same at home. Most schools and communities offer health programs and exercise classes for parents and children. Children are at school as much as they are at home and so in order to help children with obesity it needs to be a joint effort. Obesity is a serious situation and in children it is more serious. Obesity can affect a child a lot more than an adult because of all the social and emotional situations that arise that obese children are not ready to handle. Sometimes children cannot handle situations as well as adults can. The effects of childhood obesity can be very overwhelming to a child especially in the school environment. It is important for people to be aware of the effects of obesity in children and in the school system. Having obesity affect so much of a child’s school life can also interfere with their  future. Obesity harmfully impacting academics should make parents, educators, and policy makers alike have an even greater incentive to curb the threat of obesity in this country. References Bhattacharya, S. (2004). Obesity to Surpass Tobacco as Top U.S. Killer. Retrieved Boyce, W., PhD, Craig, W., PhD, Janssen, I., PhD, Pickett, W., PhD (2003). Associations between overweight and obesity with bullying behaviors in school-aged children. PEDIATRICS , 113(1187), Retrieved from: Brophy, S., Cooksey, R., Gravenor, M., Mistry, R., Thomas, N., Lyons, R., Williams, R.(2009). Risk factors for childhood obesity at age 5: Analysis of the millennium Cohortstudy. BMC Public Health, 9(467), doi: 10.1 186/1471-2458-9-467 Browman, Darcia Harris, 2003. Child Obesity Hurts Emotional Health, Study Says. Education Week: Vol 22, Issue 32, p. 9. Cornette, R. (2008). The emotional impact of obesity on children. Worldviews on EvidenceBased Nursing, 5(3), 136-141. doi: 1545-1021/08 Freedman, D. S., Dietz, W. H., Srinivasan, S. R., Berenson, G. S. (1999). The relation ofobese to cardiovascular risk factors among children and adolescents: The BogalusaHeart Study. Pediatrics, 103, 1175-1182. John, H. (2011, 3 12). Retrieved from Moore, S. (2012, Decemeber, 01). Interview by B.A. Self [Personal Interview]. What effects do you see childhood obesity having in your classroom? Stradmeijer, M., Bosch, J., Koops, W., Seidell, J. (2000). Family functioning and psychosocial adjustment in obese youngsters. International Journal of Eating Disorders,27, 110-114. Tomlinson, J. (2012, November, 29). Interview by B.A. Self [Personal Interview]. What effects do you see childhood obesity having in your classroom? Williams, J. (2010, April 19). Bbc world news. Retrieved from ht tp://

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

To Dream Out Loud :: College Admissions Essays

To Dream Out Loud    is it the fear for losing freedom, or is it that the unripe fruit of idealism we begin with has finally become ripe? because it seems that the youthful starry-eyed liberalism fades. our fruit becomes rotten, stinking of uncaring, self-serving, change-fearing conservatism. precariousness becomes anathema. some keep out the fear of losing comfort. I hope I do. Lou Reed, face wrinkle-worn, still not-sings about a poor boy in New York, still refers to the Statue of Bigotry. but my father tolerantly smiles as I dream out loud as I try to believe that there is good in most as I talk about trying to make things better. he's cynically calling himself conservative as he pretends to dislike feminism and truly believes that people should want to help others. that people should not have to. that most people do not want to. my father is good, and sturdy. generous. stoic. he believes that I will gain wisdom with age   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   (I will) and that I will come to think liberalism is misguided and overly hopeful.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   (I hope I won't.) my father is not an artist. he is a lawyer. he still struggles to help people but he has stopped believing they'll be grateful. his fruit of idealism has become rotten. where are the Romantics? the Transcendentalists? they've just turned 19 and are going to a college I can't afford. hair, jeans, love, and hope all fade. I respect my father, and I respect Lou Reed. I respect the freedom-loving hopeful criticizing words of Bob Dylan. my father still respects those too. perhaps the hope doesn't die; perhaps it is cloaked in the fear of losing what you've already gained. precarious youthful hope feeds off the youthful need for freedom-

Monday, January 13, 2020

Gender Discrimination Essay

The video is all about the portrayal of comic manual that was released by the United States military in handling situation of homosexuality among its soldiers. The manual is aimed in explaining the necessary steps and procedures in handling homosexual cases to soldiers. It features a particular case of a low rank soldier that was caught to be engaged in a homosexual acts and how his higher command treat him (professionally) towards his discharge because of his engagement in such acts. As the video had shown, the workplace is not a gender-neutral place. This is amplified in the case of a workplace that is considered to have a military orientation as shown in the video. As concluded by Kristen Schilt in the article, in many workplaces, the masculinity of a male is valued that is why feminine males or homosexuals are being undermined and discriminated. Shown in the video, PFC Williams was discharged in the military because of his engagement in the homosexual acts. As stated by Schilt, being a man or masculinity is an attribute that is celebrated in many professions especially in the military. This is because of the association of such attribute to other important characteristics and concepts like authority, prestige and instrumentality that are perceived to be related to highly regarded position such as leaders and managers. In this respect, any form of diversion from masculinity or being a man most especially in the military is discouraged. This drops the idea of a having a free world wherein each individual are respected whoever he or she is. Scenarios like this remind to us that there is still much work to be done for us to attain as situation wherein every individual get the respect that he or she deserve from the society. References MSNBC (n. d. ) Don’t ask, don’t tell: illustrated. The Rachel Maddow Show. Web. Retrieved from [http://www. msnbc. msn. com/id/26315908/vp/38252662#38252662] Accessed 2 August 2010. Schilt, K. (2006) Just one of the guys? How Transmen Make Gender Visible at Work. Gender and Society Vol. 20 No. 4. Sociologists for Women in Society. Print. Accessed 2 August 2010. Williams, C. (1992) The Glass Escalator: Hidden Advantages for Men in the Female Professions. University of California Press. Print. Accessed 2 August 2010.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Investigating the Use of Reminiscence Therapy Essay

Investigating the Use of Reminiscence Therapy Investigate the use of Reminiscence Therapy for both elderly clients, and those suffering brain injury, and link to the theory of the development of memory. Evaluate how this theoretical knowledge increases the effectiveness of therapy and interventions in care. Reminiscence Therapy is a technique that is used to encourage clients to use their memory; they are supported to remember things about their life and to share them with the group or therapist if they feel comfortable. It is worth noting that Reminiscence Therapy is not always done in groups, it can be individual work carried out one on one basis with the client. There are a few reasons†¦show more content†¦Common topics covered could include school, wartime, relationships, family, fashion, and sports, dancing, work, and anything with could relate to the clients. These would be relevant to the group because they would have grown up with most of these things and are usually related to good times, although bad times may be discussed too if the client wishes but the therapist must look out for signs of it getting too much. When part taking in reminisce therapy there are certain things that the therapist must remember in order for it to be successful and to ensure nothing interferes. All distraction must be removed to give the clients better concentration levels, like the television cannot be switched on unless involved with the activity. Other staff must know not to interrupt so they clients feel that they have your full attention and can feel comfortable enough to share with you. There may need to be a code of practise put in place so that all the clients will know what acceptable and unacceptable behaviour is. Something else that might interfere with the session is a communication barrier – another reason as to why one-to-one therapy works more effectively with some clients. In order to get the best response out of the clients you would need to make the subject lively and interesting by use of retrieval cues and making sure that it is something appropriate to them, for exampleShow MoreRelatedWhat Makes Fashion Heal?2836 Words   |  12 Pages1. CAN FASHION HEAL? 2. ABSTRACT There are many aspects to the question of whether or not Fashion can heal. This report investigates the possibility of fashion as a creative therapy in it’s own right and proposes that fashion can aid in pain management, as well as improving wellbeing and mental health, and provides evidence to support this theory. It assesses the healing properties of textiles such as Ayurvastra, and sets out the research which supports the claims that such fabrics can heal muchRead MoreThe Life And Works Of Sigmund Freud Essay1679 Words   |  7 Pageswas treating patients with neurological and hysterical conditions (Lerner et al 2006). Freud’s mentor and colleague, Josef Breuer, once had a cathartic treatment of â€Å"hysterical symptoms,† a condition that was observed to vanish when a patient reminiscences a traumatic incident when under hypnosis and was able to demonstrate the initial response that he had â€Å"repressed and forgotten.† Freud spent several months in France experimenting on this idea by studying â€Å"Jean-Martin Charcot s method of treatingRead MoreThe Effects Of Different Types Of Physical Activity And Exercise Training On Prevention And Treatment Of Alzheimer s Disease2277 Words   |  10 Pagesas a therapeutic intervention, and subsequently, contrasting the efficacy of this intervention against the combined physical activity and cognitive training protocol. Studies use three main cognitive-based approaches including cognitive stimulation, training, and rehabilitation. However, in some works, researchers tend to use these terms interchangeably . To clarify this confusion in terminology, we will provide a precise definition for each term. According to Clare et al, Cognitive training consistsRead MorePagbabago Ng Klima8154 Words   |  33 Pages and management of Alzheimers disease. However, this is only based on the facts and information gathered thru readings and researches. D. DEFINITION OF TERMS Alzheimers disease – Aluminum compound E. METHODOLOGY The researcher made use of an interview as one of the tools in conducting a study. In addition, most of the information were gathered from magazines, journals, pamphlets, and surfing the internet. II. PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS A. What is Alzheimers disease? Alzheimers